The American Dream Justice Rhodes - SCL S11R3

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

machine_epsilon · 112

I used this deck for the Solo Champions League (

Season 11, Round 3 - Rhino + Anachronauts on Standard

I won all 3 games in 7, 10, and 7 rounds with 1-4 damage on War Machine, 0-4 threat on board, and never any minions left in play.

The idea was to use the Shield cards to have enough threat removal that is accessible from Alter-Ego to spend some turns setting up with Meditation and a larger hand, as well as leverage Upgraded Chassis to continually get Tough statuses to guard against big Rhino attacks and Charges. There's also the added benefit of building up Munitions Bunker which I used to close out 2 of the 3 games. Sonic Rifle, Global Logistics, and Under Surveillance are all in the deck for scheme/Advance protection. I only got close to losing one of the games due to Threat and would have lost if not for Under Surveillance.