War Machine - Swiss Army Knife (SCL S11R3)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Jarratt · 28

Solo Champions League Season 11 Round 3 vs Rhino + Standard 2 + The Anachronauts

I tried a bunch of things for this round including some pretty standard Side Scheme fetch decks but what I didn't like about those was that most of these side schemes are 3 threat and it just doesn't work that well with Clear the Area. And honestly the resources you spend to pull the side scheme are just spent clearing it again. When the side schemes are generally the least damage cards in the encounter to draw I kind of preferred leaving them in.

So I managed to tinker myself away from full shield and full scheme fetch into a bunch of tactical choices. The only card I ended up as a 3 of was Global Logistics as I learned how useful it was to just exhaust James Rhodes when in Alter Ego and stay there for a turn.

Key deck strategies

  1. This is a tactical deck so it will give you a lot of options, like Pivotal Moment for some early damage or when you have run out of Ammo, or One Way or Another to grab Breakin' & Takin' just before you advance Rhino.
  2. Allies should do most of the threat removal but don't be afraid to take 1 threat off with War Machine. Equally taking a hit on War Machine and healing is probably more valuable than a chump block with a 2 Thwart ally.
  3. Never forget to cycle War Machine cards back in when you are in Alter Ego. Full Auto in particular is how you are going win the game, but many of the War Machine cards are going to help you under the right circumstances. Knowing what those circumstances are is the key to making the right choices.
  4. Global Logistics will keep you safe in Alter Ego. It is the most controlling card of all the control cards (it feels like it should have been protection). More importantly with War Machine it is a waste to go to Hero and not be able to spend the Ammo counters.

I could talk about each card but that would be a lot because it is mostly all singles. So I will say I really wanted to get Eros in here but couldn't find room - maybe the Chance Encounter could go but that offers any ally and suits the swiss army nature of things.

I generally felt like I could deal with or control all the problems on the board but I was never able to get super quick wins. 6/6/7 all clean with 14/14/19 player health.