Valkyrie - Flight of the Valkyries

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

lorion42 · 127

The Valkyries start flighing. But what is that? You can see Power Man flying on a Sky Cycle within the valkyries!

There are so many options here to have a lot of allies on the board and use them for example with Air Supremacy to hurt a big number of minions (that came from the Chooser of the Slain). Or you can start an Mass Attack exhausting Wonder Man, Power Man and Beta Ray Bill to deal 13 attack (with Valkyrie using her Dragonfang.

Helicarrier and Team-Building Exercise help you getting at least 3 allies to the board. Every ally share one trait with Valkyrie except for Annabelle Riggs. But she can be a great addition too, if you upgrade her with a Sky Cycle and get all your great cards like Have at Thee! or Aragorn from your deck.

The deck really feels like Air Supremacy. And I didn't even include some recursion.