The Influencial Hulk: Super Smash Bros.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BitTwiddle · 8

This deck is completely conceptual and mostly made for fun. While creating a Spider-Ham leadership deck I saw the power that Hulk could have with Go All Out and Push Ahead after using Hulk Smash.

I'd like to replace the Avengers Tower with another "mana dork" (resource maker) but I couldn't think of a decent one.


Aug 05, 2022 Erathis · 16

Unfortunately Hulk Smash is not a round/phase long buff, it only gives the +10 for that one basic attack, and so sadly does not work at all with Go All Out or Push Ahead. Make note that it specifies "basic" attack, so it is only when you use Hulk's standard 3 attack, it can't be added onto other attacks.

As for other "mana dorks"... Deft Focus, Helicarrier, and Quincarrier are quite good for Hulk. Ingenuity is useable as well though it only makes a mental resource so it's not a perfect fit for Hulk. Still useful though to play allies, supports, and upgrades.