Captain Marvel goes to town. Expert Solo.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

StrangeMagus · 64

Full on energy resource deck. Hard Mulligan for alpha flight station and/or Avengers mansion. Tac team deals with low hp minions and tough status cards. Chase them Down, crisis interdiction is Your main threat management Tools. If you can get cosmic flight down early, it helps a lot when comboed with CI. Please leave feedback if you enjoy the deck or have feedback :)


Dec 23, 2019 Trebge68 · 21

I like it. Last night I played against Klaw on 'normal mode' and managed to pull off a win. Changes I would consider are -1 Avengers Mansion; +1 Helicarrier; +1 Power of Aggression; -1 Emergency. The deck has a lot of cards that are cost 2 and up, and this deck has enough draw but I often found myself coming up short on paying for my cards.