Brute Force Spider-Woman

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Brute Force Arrows 264 201 38 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

KakitaJamie · 307

Idea discussed in the comments of:

Love the idea of the Brute Force Hawkeye and really liked the idea of a Brute Force Spider-Woman version. Deck concept remains the same: keep many Brute Force copies out and take advantage of the +ATK it gives. Instead of arrows Spider-Woman gets to use her decent THW and DEF boosts afforded by playing aspect cards. As a result my goal was to keep her Aspect count as high as possible. After playing around with both decks, I find I prefer this version.

Aggression cards are pretty straight forward: Brute Force and Combat Training to get her base ATK as high as possible. Quick Strike & Smash the Problem to take advantage of the high ATK value without using her basic ATK. I could see adjusting to a mix of The Best Defenseā€¦ and Smash the Problem since Spider-Woman has the potential to have a high THW that may invalidate some copies of Smash the Problem in the early game.

Protection cards took a bit more thought: Counter-Punch is the reason to go protection and take advantage of Brute Force. It's way better than As One! and possibly better than Quick Strike. Since this wants us to defend, Armored Vest, Electrostatic Armor & Unflappable just make sense to be in the deck too. Unflappable is good but it's not as much of an all-star as it would be in other decks, it's flexible.

In order to meet deck building restrictions I had to take my allies from Protection. However we have more oppurtunity due to the fact that I don't need to worry about As One!. Starhawk and Clea are there to provide recurable allies, Starhawk has been the MVP of a few games. Brother Voodoo is just good. Of the allies, I least play Clea and therefore I consider her flexible.

The Night Nurse is probably flexible but I like that it can get rid of confuse and give us time to get to the later game where this deck shines.

Basics are pretty straightforward: Cosmo synergizes with Double Agent making him a great way to knock off Tough status and provide consistent THW. Also great for controlling the encounter deck if you spy something you really don't want to be boosted (and occasionally drawn off the shuffle). Everything else is resources.