She-Hulk - Strapped

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


A pretty straight forward deck aimed at getting She-Hulk equipped with weapons and then using them to pile on damage.

She-Hulk has 4 weapons in the deck and with Side Holster she can have three of them out at a time. Once you have a weapon in play, you can either use the weapon's ability to deal extra damage, or exhaust it using Fusillade or Mean Swing to deal extra damage. Combat Training, Superhuman Strength can be used to further boost damage, as can Brute Force which can be used to pop a Tough along with the attack.

Marked can be used in combination with these big hits to spill Overkill damage onto the Villain. Meanwhile, 3 Limitless Stamina cards and 3 One-Two Punch cards will keep She-Hulk pouring on the damage.

Thankfully, She-Hulk has a little built in threat management with her Alter-Ego ability, Superhuman Law Division, and Legal Practice which can hopefully keep threat from spiraling out of control before she can break out all her weapons and bring down the villain.


Mansion Attack - Standard, Solo - Mr. Hyde

Moja Mania Campaign - Standard, Solo - All scenarios standard setup