THOR - Juggler of Hammers and Men. Leadership expert solo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

boothwah · 81

Thor.......boy needs some help. (I have two errata fixes : give him + 1 hand size in hero form [bringing him to almost Caps power level] or lower Asgards cost to 0)

In the meantime, here's my leadership expert solo experiment.

Throw out allies to thwart like heck (Wonderman = Surveillance Cameras) and use Mjolnir as bouncing resource until you can build some board (Asgard + any resource gen should be good to start flipping back and forth. Once you've hit asgard/mansion + a couple resources you only have to flip to heal is the theory.

Scenarios defeated (single attempt, unless noted otherwise) :

Rhino expert (Bomb scare)

Klaw expert (Masters of Evil)

Ultron expert (Under Attack)

Risky Business expert (Goblin Gimmicks)