Spider-Man+S.H.I.E.L.D.=Match Made in Heaven

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Bbyowll · 32

I call this a theme deck because it's the only deck I've ever put together for Spider-Man that made me feel a bit like I'm actually playing as him. The usual setup for Spider-Man is to defend allies, which to me always feels like your allies are the ones doing all the actual work while you simply protect their hp with an identity-less block bot. He works really well with SHIELD for a few reasons. First, many of the SHIELD cards are supports and therefore have no hp and do not need you to defend for them. Spider-Man fights the villain while they set up and start chipping in more and more over time. Second, since the SHIELD cards sit on the table, your deck gets much thinner, allowing for far more draws of Backflip and Swinging Web Kick, which are what makes Spider-Man fun, and the added uses of these cards makes Spider-Man feel more active in the fight and thus more engaging to play. Third, Spider-Man has excellent economy, so he is very capable of affording the SHIELD build. And last, the SHIELD cards offer constant readily available thwarting capabilities, which not only covers for Spider-Man's weak thwarting capabilities, but makes it a strength. By the time you need to flip to alter-ego, the SHIELD cards will have you covered. You are never stuck in hero form, and stun and confuse hurt you very little as well. This build makes games with Spider-Man actually fun for me, I think it really feels like you are in a 1v1 with the villain while SHIELD does its work around you, taking care of threat and minions while you spider-sense, flip, and kick your way to victory. And maybe even dig out the old black suit.


Dec 07, 2022 Bbyowll · 32

Protection Spider-Man is so boring.

Jan 03, 2023 Bbyowll · 32

I now play Haymaker instead of Stealth Strike. It's a cheaper medium damage option, and I never really seemed to need the extra two threat removal anyway.