Gamora - Solo Champions League Season 13/3

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


What is my plan for Ronan/Under Attack?

I intend for Gamora to use her Event cards to actually damage Ronan, while using the Milano to manage threat and Armor Plating and her DEF to mitigate damage coming in. Momentum Shift can be used to both attack and recover lost hit points and Powerful Punch can provide some punishment when Ronan attacks.

Sunfire can knock off Universal Weapon, Concussion Blasters, or Adamantium Upgrades when he comes out, Marvel Boy can ping off tough or avoid retaliate if it is in play, and Brawn will also help keep a lid on threat.

Two Pulse Grenade cards exist to fuel Fusillade until it comes time to go for the kill.