Spider-Man Aggression Solo Champions League S13 R 4 - Sandma

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

yodaman1971 · 68

So this is the deck I ultimately ended up playing in Season 13 Round 4 of the Solo Champions League vs. Sandman with Sinister Assault.

I had been messing around with Leadership all week and just felt like it was taking forever (probably a combination of poor piloting and sub-optimal deck builds on my end) in order try to get clean wins. So when Innsmouth Bear reminded us it was the last day to get games in for this round, I scrapped the Leadership build, threw together this Aggression build hoping it might be faster and just played my 3 games without even trying the deck first. I managed to get clean wins in all 3 games although all the games (especially game 1) were still a bit slower than I would have hoped due to some big minions popping out along the way that I wanted to clear to try to get clean wins. I never felt in danger of losing in any of the games and I'm sure my deck was still nowhere near optimal, but I figured I'd share it anyway.

Nothing real fancy hear. Losts of allies. Clobber is great when you can time it right and Drop Kick helped me get extra stuns. I put in Spider-Girl for theme and because there are some big minions that popped out with Sinsiter Assault. Hulk was basically a blocker and sand counter remover. Psylocke was great for getting more access to confuse. Mockingbird added the extra stun. I think one of the reasons my games might have been slower than what others seemed to be posting is that I still tried to control the sand counters a bit, mainly to avoid going through the encounter deck and having to take unnecesary damage from the acceleration going on the main. But, I tend to play pretty conservatively, especially in solo, because I've been burned by Advances too many times. :)

Game 1 - Clean win in 10 Rounds. 13 Health left between Miles and allies

Game 2 - Clean win in 7 Rounds. 15 health left between Miles and allies

Game 3 - Clean win in 7 rounds. 11 health left between Miles and allies.