Captain Marvel

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

diamondjoe174 · 1

Continuing my use of a random deck generator, I stumbled upon yet another easy win in the solo challenge series. I was able to get Avenger's Mansion out first turn, and I built 18 points of damage on 2 energy channels. Once the opportunity presented itself, I was able to remove the villain's tough card, hit him for 8 with 1 energy channel, flip him over, hit him for 10 with the other one, and use a photonic blast to finish him. He never knew what hit him. I did question why a spy craft was in this deck, but I eventually realized that Mockingbird has a spy trait, so perhaps, if you would prefer to replace spy craft with anything else, who could fault you.


Mar 21, 2023 TonyStark · 47

Energy Channel is "Max 1 per player" so you can't charge them both at the same time.