Hawkeye Breaks the Rules

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

adsarf · 447

I've been experimenting with different coloured Hawkeye decks recently, and this one has an interaction which I hadn't seen elsewhere and struck me as quite neat. That usually means I have misread a card or misunderstood a rule, so I'm publishing this deck in the hope that someone will explain where I've gone wrong.

Mockingbird's interrupt isn't a defence. I think that means that Hawkeye can still play a defense card to become the defender of an attack even after Mockingbird has interrupted that attack, provided that the rules for initiating an ability are met. The rules will be met where that card interacts with the boost card because a boost card is still turned face up after Mockingbird interrupts, and could still change the game state (for instance by putting a Goblin Thrall into play). After Mockingbird has interrupted and either Defiance or Preemptive Strike has been played, the 'after you defend against an attack and take no damage' trigger for Hard to Ignore and Unflappable has been met.

Anyway, that's what I think. I've certainly been wrong before!


Mar 04, 2023 LACK OF SUBTLETY · 958

I think I agree with your assessment. She does not have to be declared a defender and it does not have the Defense keyword. It just negates the damage. I'm intrigued why you have Multiple Man in there as Hawkeye has a hard time affording expensive allies and still functioning. I would be tempted to pull those three cards and add in some more defense events, maybe some that allow him to ready after defending.

Mar 04, 2023 adsarf · 447

Thanks @LACK OF SUBTLETY, it isn't often I get the rules right in this game.

Multiple man is my preferred turn-one play as I can afford to play him and Hawkeye's Bow. He buys a few turns to get Avengers Tower or Helicarrier or Quincarrier down and hopefully Hawkeye's Quiver as these cards allow me to sustain Mockingbird recursion and still have a useful hand left afterwards. Later in the game he isn't very valuable I agree but I feel with Hawkeye the key is to survive until 'later in the game'. He is a bit squishy.