Rogue and co

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

LoveMePlease · 18

Touch me like you do, Love me like you do

Edit:Took out Cerebro, team strike and a copy of attack training for 3 copies of pitch back (great for solo)

This deck specifically works due to Rogue's ability to find her core cards super easily; thus the only real concern is avoiding damage when you draw dead hands alongside generally finding fun ways to use different traits. This is ultimately why leadership is so popular.

Here is my rendition of a leadership deck but you know... Aggression aspect using the ally boost aggression archetype where its okay to take a few straight blows from the villain because you hit back harder

The goal is simple you ultimately want to get one (or even two if you are lucky) powerful ally on the board and buff them while keeping them around the whole game if possible.

The three main allies that can carry the whole game as long as you get one of them on the board early which include Gambit (always draw this card at the start of game I honestly don't know why but I'm not complaining), Magik (don't see much of) but find her pretty unique especially with rogue as she has value even without the activation of her ability as I added (Magic Attack + [The

Sorcerer Supreme](/card/09026)) to get more value out of the card and Wolverine (I mean come on regeneration plus piercing).

The second tier of allies is the more utility based such Nick Fury which is self-explanatory arguably the most popular ally in the game for ultity and chump blocking. Psylocke can be considered a core but I find her more useful in multiplayer, or if you are really low health and have to flip but don't have a way to access a confuse.

I also added X-Men Instruction just incase you draw all 3 of those powerful allies at the start of the game or something dumb like that (happened to me twice in a campaign session I kid you not)

You can access stuns, confuse and thwarts in your kit alongside the massive 8 damage with Southern Cross. I don't think you will have a bad time even with dead hands.

I also added cheap allies if you can get to 3 allies on the board despite Rogue's bad resource generation. As a result you won't likely get to this stage unless you are playing in multiplayer, but if you can I included forge (Boot camp grabber mainly) and Angel (Throg who?)

P.S. Team strike is more for multiplayer but it definitely is nice to a) avoid consequential damage (especially due to enraged where you take +1 consequential damage) and b) maintain minion control


Apr 06, 2023 LoveMePlease · 18

I hate how Rogue shows 41 cards touched shouldn't be counted