Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-man

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

dthz · 71

This deck is based around Spider-man helping out his friends (by shutting the enemy down), all with a heavy focus on resources.

Get Behind Me!, Black Widow, Target Acquired and Enhanced Spider-Sense all help mitigate some of the more nasty treachery events.

There is great synergy between Backflip, Unflappable, Desperate Defense and Expert Defense.

Plus, whenever Spider-man is attacked, he draws a card. If he defends, Unflappable can generate another card, giving him potentially 2 bonus cards a round.

Almost 50% of the deck is resources, which is great with Black Cat as that is a potential 2 extra cards when she comes into play.

Then there are Spider-man's intrinsic cards which are all pretty great.