Cyclops-Draw till they fall

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Castlefrank47 · 534

I have only played in standard but at the time of writing this deck has beaten: All of rise of the red Skull All of Sinister motives All of mutant genesis Thanos

The idea behind this deck is to take advantage of Cyclops' ability to utilize allies from any aspect and generate card draw. In this crop we have 2 that bring tough status, 3 that can confuse and another with piercing. Cyclops kit is relatively low cost so we have some more expensive allies and with the amount of cards you can draw, you won't have issues paying for them. Some of the combos: Play One Way or Another to draw 3 and put a side scheme out. Play Skilled Investigator attach Followed to said side scheme. Once the scheme is cleared you are able to draw another card from Skilled Investigator and deal 4 damage with Followed. If you also have Turn the Tide and clear the scheme with Cyclops you can deal another 3 damage! Utilizing Priority Target on minions and blasting them with his optic blast generates another 2 card draw as well. I have had numerous first turns where I have been able to burn through half my deck while still dealing damage and getting an ally out. Getting a One Way or Another early allows you to easily get set up. I have had numerous first turns where I have both the Ruby Quartz Visor and X-Gene out. This allows to take full advantage of his optic blast ability. Ruby Quartz Visor will pay for the optic blast and X-Gene will pay for Full Blast meaning you can deal 11 damage at no cost. Even more if you have Exploit Weakness!

The biggest priority card in my opinion is getting his Ruby Quartz Visor out. This allows you to deal 3 damage per turn for free and can pierce through tough status. I focused on allies that are able to deal quite a bit of damage since Cyclops has only 1 Attack value. I use him for thwarting more often and combo that with Turn the Tide to deal extra damage.

This deck has honestly been one of the most fun decks I have played. Let me know what you guys think, I'd love to hear some feedback on your experiences or tips to make it more effective.