Iron Man Protection - outlasting the best (multiplayer)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Peroxda · 5

This deck does what any Iron Man does: get beat down for a bit until he get's all his parts and then he mills through his deck like he's in a rush to be somewhere. The extra 'electrostatic armor' tech means you have an increased change of playing those much need 'tech' cards to build your hand size in hero mode.

Other than that this deck relies on not taking damage when you (think you) will get hit hard. Desperate defense is easily playable in the mid- to late game and expert defense helps with harder hitting villains. 'Unflappable' and 'Armored Vest' are there to help with defending (and making that a little bit more worthwhile).

In the late game you want to stay in hero mode (with the med-teams and the night nurse) and just pop all of the pieces of your suit. The real damage is done by the supersonic punches while being 'aerial' which happens fairly frequently since most of the cards will be on the table and your deck get's fairly small. Repulsor blast can do a nice bit of damage, but I haven't optimised this deck for energy resources (so don't expect wonders).

Nova, Electrostatic Armor and Energy Barrier count up to a nice sum of damage as well though. A bit of ye olde 'death by a thousand cuts' over several rounds. This works very well against encounters with lots of minions (Ultron, Green Goblin).