Shadowcat Steel Defense [Tyn]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

tyndall · 21

I’ve been playing this deck for quite a while in standard and it's very strong in solo. It is very pleasant to play and requires very good card management.

Deck construction is classic with a few cards that really change the gameplay

A quick word on it about these key cards:

Unflappable: this card is so strong in this deck that I removed the only « Hard to Ignore » which was almost never useful to me. And put two in to get it as soon as possible. This card speeds up the game so much that I realized that you have to put it down as soon as possible, even if it then becomes a dead card and is only used as a resource.

Med Team: essential to save the allies who must be used to remove the scheme. And it also allows shadowcat to stay as a hero to heal itself. And that even happens with his power!

10 defense cards are enough in this deck, and they have effects that are varied enough to make you think about which to use at the right time

All allies have been chosen to have at least 2 scheme skill and a cost of 3 or less. Their number of 5 is sufficient to be really effective