Quicksilver combo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Quicksilver combo 0 1 0 3.0
Inspiration for
Quicksilver combo protection edition 0 0 14 1.0

Jake8cake · 13

The point of this deck was to see how much damage you can deal in a single turn with quicksilver so its nearly all upgrades and ready effects. if my math is correct you can deal 182 damage in one turn. Here's all the math laid out for you so you can understand how I got to that number.

1 Atk Quicksilver +2 Maximum Velocity +3 Adrenaline Rush +1 Combat Training +1 Reinforced Sinew +1 symbiote suit (after all quick strikes +3 from fluid motion) Total 12 attack

1 basic attack +1 super speed +4 always be running +3 tenacity +2 earth’s mightiest heroes Total 11 attacks effects

+1 Quincarrier +1 helicarrier +1 deft focus +3 enhanced focus +3 enhanced physique +3 enhanced reflexes +10 friction resistance +2 strength +1 discard random extra card for a resource Total 25 resources

Basic hand size of 6 +1 symbiote suit +1 avengers mansion +3 asses the situation +1 alter ego ability Total hand size on combo turn 12

Cards you need in your hand on combo turn 1 maxim velocity 3 quick strike 4 always be running 2 earth’s mightiest heroes 1 strength (you will have 1 extra card in hand)

Total cost of the combo
2 maximum velocity 6 quickstrikes 4 always be running 3 tenacity 25-15 leaves 10 left over for jarnbjorn for a total of 20 damage

All together (from the quick strikes)9+10+11+(12x11)+20 =182

If you want to actually play this deck it's ideal in 2 player with the other players doing solely threat removal as you set up and prepare for your combo turn. There are other ways to do more damage with the other players using helicarrier or mansions or their own copies of combat training but I wanted to limit it to just cards on deck. If anyone has any ideas of how to deal even more damage in one turn with quicksilver please comment as I want to see how far this idea can be pushed.