Dredge Domino

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Mightyergo · 2

Hello there, My name is Mightyergo, and I wanted to introduce you all to the first published decklist here on marveldb. As a sweaty, try hard Marvel Champions degenerate, Domino's kit immediately sparked this concept. Because who wants to play marvel champions? Instead let's play our own uninteractive sub game where we are the true villain. The namesake comes from the infamous MTG deck dredge, which would mill itself out to create unfair amounts of advantage and giant boards to otk opponents. Domino is the spiritual inheritor of this rather infamous archetype, and her kit and support cards all reward you for milling cards from your deck.

What is the plan you might ask? Well we are going to use call for aid to mill for our singular avenger, a lonesome black panther. From here we want to trigger as many 'when discarded' effects as possible to create unfair amounts of card advantage. Black panther is the ideal avenger target as you will often mill a large portion of your deck, letting you put a call for aid under him and recruit out any other the other allies you might have milled. Professor X allows safe flips downs and strong threat clear, and also provides you the option to confuse lock the villain. Nick fury provides more draw as well as flexibility with additional threat clear or bust damage to clear off a troublesome minion. Gamora although cant be played from hand, can be recruited out via call for back up, or recurred by with make the call. And once out, she provides yet more card advantage and mill. And white fox is essential a zero cost 1/1 with 3 health that doesn't actually cost you a card. Beast tutors out jackpot over and over, allowing you to play threats, develop your board, and provides you with easy deck stacking ,thanks to domino, to max out a good workout, luck be a lady, right place, right time, domino's pistol and probability field. Diamondback and Outlaw are both powerful synergy cards that both provide good poke and chump blocking, while also counting towards The Posse.

To complete the leadership package, we have call for backup and rapid response tutor and be dirty dirty horrible people and recur back beast or nick fury for even more cards.

This deck generates advantage at a rapid rate, and between beast, your ally recursion, pip the pug and the painted lady, you can essentially manipulate what cards you want in your hand at what time, mould and sculpt your hand and the top of your deck. However, it is also worth noting that because you will be milling and drawing so much, you will also be eating more encounter cards than normal as a drawback. Therefore lucky break becomes an invaluable control tool to help mitigate any particularly nasty encounter cards, while you continue beating the villain down.

This is my first deck list write up, so feedback on how to develop is much appreciated. I highly recommend trying this deck, feel dirty, then go back to having fun. The interesting micro decisions this deck causes makes this a genuinely very interesting puzzle box at times as you think about how to best get value or deal with a situations. Enjoy your time with the new expansion, and happy dredging.


Mar 11, 2024 swordgeo · 91

It looks good, except I'm not actually seeing the Beast ally in this list, despite its mention in your primer here. Is that an oversight, or did you take him out for some reason? Should I just slap him in as the 41st card or what?