Black Panther, 20200827, solo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

bluetricycle · 1

I build this deck since I had so much trouble with the pre-con. I felt the I was always waiting for a Wakanda Forever!. I have added some cards to make him more durable and synergies more with his hero ability. In the best-case scenario, I have Armored Vest, Indomitable, Electrostatic Armor, and defensive stance out. Counter-Punch in my had would be a bonus.

I just don't know about having that many cards in the deck (49). Will this mean that it will be even harder to find Wakanda Forever!?

I will try it some more.


Aug 28, 2020 Didacles · 1

I’d try to thin this to 40 cards to improve the odds of getting a Wakanda Forever!

I would suggest removing 1 armored vest, 1 electrostatic armor, 1 Endurance and 1 Down time. The Enhanced physique is not so needed, vibranium should pay high cost cards. Keep helicarrier, and if you are flying solo, swap the mansion for the quincarrier. I would also take the 3 counterpunch out and put an extra preemptive strike. You will get more mileage for it, your deck will cycle faster and will have your Wakandas back in no time!

Aug 28, 2020 bluetricycle · 1

Thank you, I will try your recommendations