Psylocke - Psilent Shinobi

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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NormalModeGuy · 961

Psylocke - Psilent Shinobi

Psionics 101

Psylocke is a unique in multiple ways! Whether it's her initially underwhelming stats as a 1/1/2 or her hand-size of 4 in Hero-Form, we're in for something different!

Her main power relies in the fact that she is Psionic and that's where this Aggression-build is going to focus on! This gives us access to a plethora of Psionic cards such as: Psi-Bow Attack, Psychic Assault & Cerebro!

Cerebro stands out here because we can use Betsy Braddock's Alter-Ego ability to shuffle Professor X back into the deck for either our Psi-Knife or our Psi-Katana! Giving us consistent access to a powerful ally!

Mutant Education

Mutant Education is here because going to Alter-Ego is relatively risk-free due to all the stun and confuse we have. With cards like Psychic Assault & Flurry of Blades!

A Psilent Shinobi is a Skilful Shinobi

Let's not forget about our Martial Arts Training! This gives us access to all of our Skills including Honed Technique, Fluid Motion and most importantly Martial Prowess! With Team-Building Exercise and our two Psionic Upgrades, we'll have 4 ways to generate resources! Which offsets our hand-size of 4!


Sep 24, 2023 VJakson · 23

Mutant education in combination with her AE ability is pretty awesome. Should be able to load your deck up with whatever you want.

Sep 25, 2023 wedgeex · 38

The Alter-ego + Cerebro + Professor X combo here is absolutely sweet but I don't understand the Magik inclusion. Is this meant to be played alongside an X-men hero?

Sep 25, 2023 NormalModeGuy · 961

Good catch! I've been playing with far to many X-Men Heroes at the table! In that case, just swap Magik out for any decent X-Men!

Sep 27, 2023 dr00 · 43725

for the longest time, i've kind of defaulted to 1 copy of Mutant Education in any mutant hero deck i put together, but 3 here definitely seems correct so you can keep replaying her training upgrades and events. as @VJakson said, her alter-ego ability can grab most other things as well.

Oct 28, 2023 Vardaen · 87

Tons of fun played this on Twitch and really enjoyed it. Lots of fun options and choices.