Captain Marvel - Higher. Further. Faster

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Charles · 541

Even if it isn’t a great movie or a good Marvel, i enjoyed « The Marvels » and Bree Larson / Captain Marvel.

I made this deck with severals combos, and some punch with Bishop / turn the tide / energy channel

You will look first for Cosmic flight ( let one copy of it as an upgrade all the game ) and Heroic Intuition ( to perform combos )

Enjoy, this deck is as fun and rock as Captain Marvel is, it’s really sad there is no Ms Marvel or Monica Rambeau ally card in this game … ( justice or neutral )


Nov 14, 2023 Pedroq · 163

I liked the Marvels too. That movie was a romp. Fight scenes were tight. Would be wacky and fun for Marvel Champions to add a wacky scenario/player card that forces players to swap only their identity cards temporarily mimic the movie.

Nov 14, 2023 Charles · 541

That could be nice indeed !