Dr. Strangepool

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Strange Supreme 4 3 1 1.0

rahill · 33

Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Da Bomb

Doctor Strange is already regarded as the most powerful hero in the game, and gets some fun new toys in the 'Pool aspect.

The three 'Self' resources: Strange can easily stay at or near full HP with his access to stun and confuse (as well as healing from Wong or Healing Factor), meaning these cards will usually provide 2 or 3 resources each.

Mulligan: Invocations aren't 'played', so you can spend a resource or two from hand to resolve Images of Ikonn or Crimson Bands of Cyttorak, then Mulligan to get back to full hand size.

Stick-To-Itiveness: More readying for Strange, which means more Invocations! Similarly Get Rage-y can ready Wong, to further dig through your Invocation deck.

Plot Convenience: Store a Mulligan or Self Resource for a later turn, or store a card before you Mulligan to get an extra card in hand.

Blackout and Tic-Tac-Toe: This deck can draw a ton of cards; use these to dump excess resources to keep Wong healthy or keep threat down, or to spend a card or two before you Mulligan.

Bob, Agent of Hydra, Headpool, and Lady Deadpool: If Strange has a weakness, it's minion swarms. These allies help deal with small minions, and with all the card draw you can overwrite a 'Pool ally before their icons start to matter.

Have fun breaking the game!


Nov 24, 2023 Dawncaller · 18

Really cool deck, had a great time with it, thanks for posting. Two consistent ready upgrades are exceptionally strong. Thinking about adding Kid Pool.

Mulligan is such a strong card for finding important pieces. Just wow.

While I don't like the card in general, Avenger's Mansion could have a place in such a greedy deck. I'll try it instead of Get Rage-y.

Jan 12, 2024 Dawncaller · 18

This deck is so rich, it's incredible. All the resource dumps are needed because late game board states are crazy, crazy stuff. Pool seems to be the top aspect for Dr. Strange now.

Feb 02, 2024 rahill · 33

@Dawncaller Thanks! Glad you enjoy it.