We Have Two Hulks

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

dbdrummer7 · 1

Black Panther Axe Aggression with some powerful allies printed in the Hulk pack. Honorary Avenger slots decently in the deck to keep Sentry and She-Hulk in play, helping with threat and beating down the villain when you swap to alter-ego to draw cards.

  • Swapped out Hulk for Brawn; having a 2 cost ally is fantastic, but Brawn helps deal with threat and is around longer. Along with that, I play with another person half the time and hitting an Energy resource can wipe a carefully played board of allies.

  • May still try to make some room for Lockjaw, as AE turns can be fantastic between him, Hall of Heroes and The Golden City.

Took my initial Axe build from "Jarnbjorn Forever" - credit where credit's due!