Spectrum Klaw Aggression Challenge

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

miltonfrey · 7

Game 2 - Tuesday 12/12/2023 - Spectrum Aggression vs Klaw - 7 rounds Spectrum: 0/1, Aggression: 0/1, Klaw: 0/1, Overall: 1/1 Loss to damage. It could have been threat if I had changed to Alter-Ego. Was off to a pretty good start, a turn one Helicarrier that carried (haha get it?) me to the mid game. I also had an early Energy Duplication for more energy. Although, I realize I may have been playing that incorrectly. There is a forced response to discard your Energy form when you flip to Alter-Ego. I probably prolonged the game a turn or two longer. I had a really bad time with side schemes. They wouldn’t go away, which was probably my fault. I definitely ignored them for too long. Then, I drew Shadows of the Past and had my Nemesis shuffled in. That was the turn where I knew it was over. There were four side schemes and four minions, two of which were Masters of Evil and one was my Nemesis. Played Nick Fury to get rid of a scheme, which still feels better than drawing three. Unsure… I sort of threw the deck together, so it didn’t function very well. I tried Looking for Trouble, but never actually played it, I always drew it at the wrong time.