Black Widow: Secure the Perimeter

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Delfiggalo · 1065

Disclaimer: This deck is meant to be played alongside my Hawkeye: Danger Close deck for the most optimally balanced and thematic experience!

This is meant to be played alongside my Hawkeye aggression deck in a co-op game. While Hawkeye is busy punching face and slinging arrows, Black Widow will be busy thwarting schemes and laying traps for the villain.

The threat removal in this deck is quite comical, especially thanks to cards like Spider-Man (justice aspect) and Skilled Investigator. This is a good thing because your partner playing as Hawkeye will have no clue what threat is and is solely focused on nuking everything his eye can see.

You should prioritize building up your board state. Get Under Surveillance, Skilled Investigator, and at least one Beat Cop out as soon as possible. Of course, you should also be playing your key Black Widow cards as well (Synth-Suit, Safe House #29, the gauntlets, and as many preparation cards as you can fit on your table). Also, don’t be afraid to block for Hawkeye every now and then, particularly when you have Attacrobatics and Synth-Suit in play. Most of the time you will negate all damage from the villain and even ready up for next turn.

Remember, your sole focus should be on removing threat. Use Black Widow’s Widowmaker ability to set minions up for big turns for Hawkeye (so he can cleanly wipe the board with a few Explosive Arrows). Use Clear the Area to finish off low threat schemes in order to draw a card from both Clear the Area and Skilled Investigator. Just Thwart, Thwart, and Thwart some more!

Have fun!