Protecting a world that hates and fears them

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

TalkinSniktPodcast · 19

Support deck to allow for the other players to attack/thwart at will.

I play with two other players, one that uses aggression Wolverine and the other uses justice Colossus. The Wolverine and Colossus identities throw lots of attacks around, Wolverine uses aggression for extra big attacks and Colossus uses his justice allies and events to thwart the schemes down. The goal for Cyclops then is to put out an army of X-Men allies to take all the hits for the team.

Starting out, play Danger Room and if you can't play Forge to grab it. Aggressively mulligan if you can/must. While still in AE get out an ally and use Danger Room to pump them up with a Protective Training. Flip up to Hero form and assist with attacking or thwarting where you can, and use Mutant Protectorsto get out additional allies, if you can use Defensive Energy to play those then you can draw a card too. For later in the game you can take advantage of Utopia or Hangar Bay to have extra allies and ready them every time they don't get defeated while blocking.


Feb 04, 2024 andyr · 4748

This was a really nice build. Definitely worked great as a support build, and I loved the combo of Defensive Energy with Mutant Protectors. Felt very thematic and low key powerful giving space to the table to not worry about most villain activations.

Feb 07, 2024 TalkinSniktPodcast · 19

Thanks! Glad it worked out well for you.