Ghost-Spider - SCL Round 1 vs. The Hood

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

wayner21 · 12

I used this deck in round 1 in Solo Champions League vs. the Hood. Web of Life and Destiny could be replaced, but I kept it in there as I try to recur SP//dr over and over again by having her ATK for 1 and then THW for 2 which is excess consequential damage. I then recur her to my hand and immediately replay. Web of Life of Destiny is free to Ghost Spider due to her traits and then every other turn I am drawing a free card from SP//dr. Could get more use out of this card if there were better aggression web warrior allies, but in my opinion there aren't any.