Black Widow (Red Skull - RoRS Campaign)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KingOfRohan · 4923

The deck that I played our first time through the Rise of Red Skull (expert) campaign!

A few very important notes:

• Team Training was solely for the other player, Ms. Marvel Justice - it's actually detrimental to my own deck to play it on myself since I'd rather cycle through allies with Rapid Response.

• I didn't actually have a copy of Honorary Avenger, but instead Moon Knight, but I couldn't add him in the builder so I just put Honorary Avenger in its place.

• The whole deck works around the rescued allies. Since the other player was Ms. Marvel, they always had a rich discard pile from Teen Spirit and so I could rifle through their discard pile to play White Tiger or Shang-Chi for free with Make The Call. The economic boost of these free allies allowed me to chain together massive turns!

• I had the Defense Upgrade in the campaign.

• The other player also gave me Skilled Investigator.

• I never actually played Goliath all game! But I did give my buddy Team Training and played everything else.

• It was amazing and a ton of fun, and we came from behind (I had already used my one-use card earlier, we started on the second scheme because of delay tokens, and we both had extra encounter cards from Zola) and it was a blowout in our favor! Great times, though, and it was amazing to see Black Widow and Ms. Marvel clicking on all cylinders in our final game.