Spider-Woman Co-Leads the Avengers

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AndersGabrielsson · 47

This deck tries to leverage Spider-Woman's two main strengths: Her strong events and Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel is powered up with Inspired, Sidearm, and Power Gloves. If you want even more, you can trade in Sky Cycle, but that can make it difficult to keep up the healing to keep her in play.

The other allies are there to take hits and find Spider-Woman the cards she needs when she needs them. Jocasta is somewhat marginal as your only Defense event is Preemptive Strike, but always having the option to play that is very strong.

Unless you're playing against a Stalwart or Steady villain you will have the option to flip down regularly, which is why Med Lab is in the deck. It's primarily there in case Captain Marvel gets taken out, but if she's going strong then Kaluu and Brother Voodoo are good candidates.

The Gardener thins your deck on subsequent rotations and lets you skip an encounter card one time, which can be very useful. You don't control when it happens so in an easier scenario it may not be needed.

If you want to go for more of a stun-lock build, replace The Gardener, What Doesn't Kill Me, and one Preemptive Strike with Never Back Down.

The cost curve is kept down to allow more cards to be played in order to boost Spider-Woman's stats and increase the flexiblity of each hand instead of clogging it up with resource cards. Between Captain Marvel, Deft Focus, and Finesse you'll regularly be able to play three aspect cards per turn.