Card draw simulator
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ripb3 · 62
UPDATED: Subbed Make the Call for EVA.
Do you like alter-ego decks? Try out Betsy!
Do everything possible to play Cerebro ASAP - (Forge, Build Support, and mulligans)
Once you have Cerebro, you can reliably get Professor X in your hand every turn*. Psionic Manifestation + Cerebro can grab Xavier from your discard pile. So you can reliably confuse the villain, remove 3 threat from a scheme, and block for a teammate every turn while in alter-ego. Obviously, results may vary against a stalwart/steady villain.
*Your obligation Body Swapped can throw a wrench into this combo. Pixie and Make the Call give you an alternative if your Psi-Knives are exhausted.
Once you get Danger Room, Xavier becomes a 4 THW ally every turn with Danger Room Training. Pump every Get Ready and Command Team into Xavier, knowing he's coming back next turn.
You can also pump him with Leadership Skill, which you can grab from your deck with Training Regimen! Xavier can be a 5 SCH ally with 3 readies and still have health left for a villain block! None of your allies or leadership cards require being in hero form, so you have a lot of options while in alter-ego, especially in multiplayer.