Gamora minion butt kicking

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Mistah_owl · 1

This deck is focused on playing honed technique as fast as possible then playing lots of events. Honed techniques damage addition is easily procced by keen instincts or all the blue resources in this deck. This deck is ideal vs someone who creates minions relatively regularly as it dominates them. For villains without many minions I would add in dropkick and other aggression events (remove honed technique probably). Also all the attack events work well with gamoras sword! This deck is not geared for much thwarting as it is tested in a multiplayer setting. I find Helicarrier can be nice but could be removed for a player side scheme (like an aggression one using Assault, or one to get gamoras sword out quicker)