Spider-Woman Leader of the Avengers

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Hawkeye1345 · 1

Really strong simple concept here. Play allies, and they get stronger/cheaper with supports. Boot Camp + Mighty Avengers has Thor and others swinging for 5 which is so much fun!! Finesse x2 + Tower has you getting 3 cost allies in for free, so you can really overwhelm the villain with ally swarm here.

Most allies are optional. The must-haves in testing are Stinger, Wasp, Ant-man, Spider-Girl for cheap allies that swing for 4 or 5, and She-Hulk who can swing for a very satisfying 7 dmg.

Mighty Avengers is awesome, with it I finished Klaw the very first game of testing with a whopping 46 damage turn. I knew I was onto something lol.

Would love input, I'm not the best with streamlining decks, so any suggestions would be nice lol