Captain America - Justice / The Situation is Handled

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Nomad · 2

First published deck here. Been playing the game since December 2023 and am having a blast.

One thing that I struggled with when starting the game was building effective and fun decks with a limited card pool. So I decided to make a pretty standard Justice deck that beginners can use pretty easily.

You can make tweaks with this deck depending on if you are playing multiplayer or solo but it is more or less the same deck. To make a cheap and basic version of this, you can just use the core set, Switching out Impede for For Jusice, and Chance Encounter for Followed. To make what is here, you'll need Ms. Marvel (For Concussive Blow and Down Time), Vision (for Chance Encounter), Gamora (for Impede), and Rise of Red Skull (Clear the Area, Skilled Investigator, and Spider-Man).

I included Interrogation Room, which is not a very good card, however, I believe it can have some small use in either mode of play. There are better cards out there, but if you don't have a lot of cards, here is why I'd throw it in. For solo, removing 1 threat for killing a minion is not the worst thing ever if you are playing justice. And with Cap's ability to ready and use another basic ability, like his attack to defeat a minion, it's not bad to squeeze out another 1 thwart. For multiplayer, I've seen Interrogation Room do some work with 3 players that are more focused on killing things. Depending on the deck, Leadership, Protection, and Aggression are all capable of killing things on their turns, and a collective 1 or 2 threat every turn can be a small bit of help if you can't handle the threat all on your own. If you don't like it, replace it with something else that you would like to mess with.

Heroic Intuition is very nice for cap, moving his potential max of 4 thwarting to 6 is a very nice boost regardless of our mode of play. For solo, 6 can evaporate most side schemes, and a main villain scheming will not be a problem. Add more if you want to give other players an extra thwart boost.

Skilled Investigator is really nice here simply for its card draw you get, for doing what you were already going to do. It's nice, and effective. Add more for multiplayer if you want to spread the love.

Concussive Blow is here for 2 reasons. Firstly, for the confuse. This can be amazing if you are getting overwhelmed with threat or need to flip down next turn to heal. And since Cap's Super-Soldier Serum gives you physical resources, you get a little damage out of it as well. Just a cherry on top.

Clear the Area, very nice for card draw, even though it might be situational. You can throw it out if you don't think you'll use it.

Impede is here simply because I like it. The next comparable card is For Justice! which costs 3 effective resources (2 resources + the card itself) for 3, sometimes 4, threat removal. However, this deck and hero already has a lot of thwarting in here. So, I would rather use Impede, simply because it can be put back into your hand, effectively costing 1 less than For Justice! It can be nice for a hand size of 5, spending 2 ER to play Impede, then having 3 cards in your hand again, and potentially getting to play another 2 cost card. If you don't have Gamora for this card, just use For Justice!.

Down Time is a card I like to use, mainly for a quality of life buff. I don't want to flip down to alter-ego often but if I have to heal, it might a well heal almost about half my health instead of about a fourth. If you don't like or own Down Time, drop it or use another card entirely. Many people like using First Aid to top themselves off.

Mockingbird is here for the Stun and as being a body blocker. Nick Fury is here because he's Nick Fury. Spider-Man is a card I don't hear anyone talk about but I really enjoy. He costs a whopping 5, but there are ways to mitigate it within this deck. Helicarrier can reduce his cost by 1. Super-Soldier Serum can pay for 1 or 2. If you have The Power of Justice in your hand, that can pay for 2. And if you are in Alter-Ego, he costs 1 less. When he enters play, he removes 3 threat per player from a side-scheme. I wish it said any scheme because in Solo, you probably won't have many of them in play for very long. But depending on the villain, and how many players there are, this can be a very nice play. In addition to that, he has a nice 2 ATK and 2 TWT with 4 HP. As an ally, he can help where he is needed for 3 or 4 more turns. I like Spider-Man, Cap likes Spider-Man, so it's both thematic, and fun to play imo. If you don't have or want to use Spider-Man, use Daredevil or any other ally. This is also why I included Chance Encounter. Being able to pull which ally you need after defeating a side-scheme from your discard or your deck is very nice. And you can find what which ally you need for the situation: Fury for damage or card draw, Mockingbird for a stun and blocker, Agent 13 for extra threat removal, and Spider-Man for everything mentioned above.

At a certain point, you'll have the threat on lockdown between you, your allies, your events, and your upgrades and supports, that you can start to beat the villain to death pretty quickly.

Again, this is not a hard and fast decklist. Make changes based on what you own and what you prefer but I hope that my explanation cleared up why some cards are here instead of others.


Apr 20, 2024 boothwah · 57

Thank you for sharing! Great first write up.