War... War Never Changes

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Sindrik8x · 370

With the revitalization of the Fallout franchise (given the new show and flock of fans new and old to the games), I decided to post up a deck I have been working on over the last two months. If there were a "Brotherhood of Steel" character in Marvel, we all know it would be War Machine!

Note: This list was tested pre-AoA and does not include any of the new cards in the expansion. So feel free to test, tweak and edit for the times. That being said, let's get started!!!

War... War Never Changes (Premise): War is guns. War is allies. War is an army, building it's arsenal and testing it's mettle against the enemies that would march upon it or against it. That's everything this deck stands for.

When I began this list, I wanted a themed, voltron ally/support build that could function alongside War Machine's weaponry and perfectly compliment his play styles. I am an aggressive player at heart (for those that have seen my other lists), and as an old MtG player I was focused on pumping up my "creatures" via "enchantment" style effects to make them more versatile than ever. I figured with that, and setting up the guns on board, he couldn't be beat.

And so, War Never Changes was born!

The Avenger-based Army:

Black Knight - Along with Shoulder Cannon, toughs will never be an issue for this deck. Push through.

Falcon - He's been clutch in so many match-ups hitting an average of 2 treacheries. But, even when he doesn't, he's a 2/2 body with 3 activations (pre upgrade cards).

Goliath - A set-up card to utilize post board build in phase 2 for a huge chunk of damage, alongside something like a Full Auto, or Repulsor Beam, Missile Launcher style line.

Hawkeye - No explanation needed. The Leadership staple for dealing with minions.

Iron Man - Kit Ally that does exactly what you need to set-up War Machine. Goes amazing with our upgrade package.

Ronin - The workhorse. The voltron king. Copy of Inspired and Reinforced Suit on this guy, and he will just end games. You want him out every game, putting in work.

The Support:

Cost Reduction - Avenger's Tower, Team building Exercise, Quinjets, and getting 1 to 2 Gauntlet Guns in play.

Avenger's Tower is a no brainer with all Avenger Allies.

Team Building Exercise just has great synergy in our list given all the Avenger cards we play.

Quinjets are FREE allies one to two times a game. Play other big things same turn?!?! Yes PLEASE!!! Another CRUCIAL card to lay down early for big mid game/end game turns. Allows you to get an ally down and voltron it turn of at times. Too good!

The Healing: First Aid! Edurance (solo staple), Down Time, and Crew Quarters.

First Aid is CRUCIAL in this deck between the allies and War Machine. I love to just block down with Machine and allow him to be a sponge, cause he doesn't need to tap to do anything with his guns. It's just a nice compliment, and easy to cruise through villain attacks (most of the time) doing so.

Crew Quarters comes in clutch (thanks to a suggestion from my buddy), as you can tap it after going to Alter (and doing his AE ability), to gain there, then when it comes back around to player turn window, do both again before flipping to Hero. It compliments recovery beautifully and sometimes you don't even feel the need to recover if you have a First Aid in hand or know one is coming soon via card draw (given we run three).

Endurance, as stated is just the stereotypical, great value solo heal card.

Down Time, definitely a flex here, but given my playstyle with him and the blocking, I like to recover big and keep it moving. With Munitions Bunker out, and the focus on Gauntlet Guns getting down, I really don't feel the need to recover more than once a game, but two times definitely gets value out of the card, and it has come in clutch to healing me back to full against tougher villains. Your call on this one.

In Closing - I wanted this deck to be my do it all deck. I wanted it to help me grow as a player because Leadership really wasn't my jam (until now), and I figured in adding another Aspect, I'd become more rounded. Plus, I play a lot of coop, so in playing Leadership, I'd understand how my friend's Leadership decks functioned more as well. That leads to better cohesion as a group, and tighter play.

It's done just that. I can pivot more with this deck. I can audible when things aren't going my way. I can focus on board state and build into a nice OTK via pumps and ammo/events/upgrades. I feel capable of just edging out villains of most types with it in standard (what I usually play).

If you can find a way to manage thwart early (War Machine's weakness), I don't think you'll feel behind in any game. This deck generates so much value, it's hard to ever feel that way. Allies early, let them lead the charge. Reinforced Suit is king. Get those extra activations and values. Be smart with blocks and you dictate when you lose your allies. Especially if you have an OTK style win set-up.

I hope you enjoy the list as much as I have. He's performed amazing against core, and is doing tremendous up through Task Master in Red Skull. I have no doubts he'll find a way to handle Zola, and give Red Skull fits (with smart mulligans, and approach). Please feel free to leave me comments on how well he is doing for you all! And thanks for all the community support in regards to my other two decks!


Apr 26, 2024 andyr · 4522

I’ve been playing a lot of War Machine this past week (in protection). It’s awesome to see a great Leadership build. Good Avengers build out with Quinjet helping him bring in allies without losing out on getting his tech upgrades! Loved it, and I thoroughly believe first aid is a very underrated card. It’s so good, especially in ally builds! All this time I wonder why I hadn’t played more with War Machine earlier. He’s so much fun.

Apr 26, 2024 Sindrik8x · 370

@andyr thnx boss man.

Yeah, I like First Aid in this particular list with Reinforced Suit, just because the extra number of activations it can provide, extra blocks it can help allies soak up, etc. Plus, it's great on War if you're style is indeed blocking down with him (I just feel it's a viable strategy with his low thwart).

I know a few people who don't really support Quinjet because it plays the longer game. But, when I came over to the Leadership aspect, I was utilizing my "midrange" brain from my decade plus MtG experience. It very much reminded my buddies and I of "Aether Vial", and to be honest, it really does help midgame when that deck is thinned to 1/3 or so and you draw one of your fatties and want to get him out, voltron, or play some events along with it.

The list has been performing real well. I'm excited to see how it does vs Zola and Red Skull next, and then how it does throughout Mad Titan (the next expansion I'll be running my decks through).

Thanks for stopping in dude, and have a great weekend brother!