Cosmo finds a new home in Limbo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

marvelJoe · 7

Fact: Cosmo is the best boy in the galaxy (or girl in the MCU version). Unfortunately, canines are no longer allowed in the Sanctum Sanctorum, so Dr. Strange is forced to find a new home for his loyal companion.

Luckily, a new master has been found! Illyana Raspitin, a colleague of the good Doctor, is up to the task! While Limbo isn't QUITE as as perfect for Cosmo as the Sanctorum used to be, Illyana's deck manipulation is perfect to make our beloved doggie feel welcome and appreciated!

This is a Voltron deck for Cosmo. It is not DEPENDANT of Cosmo, it can work just fine without our best pal. When Cosmo gets online however, things get really interesting, the upgrades make our canine ally extremely strong, and thanks to the fact that we know exactly what is on top of our deck while we're in hero form, our Guardian ally won't be getting any consequential damage ever! Use limbo to place Digging Deep on the top of your deck for best results!

Spiritual Meditation will help setting things up, most of our other allies' main job is to thwart and chump block. While this is a 45-card deck it flows REALLY fast, between Cosmo, Spiritual meditation and Magik's kit, you'll find yourself running though your deck very quickly - on my first game with it, I ran though the deck twice before anybody else ran even once.

I'm considering a leadership version with suit up and honorary-X-men for Cosmo, that would include all those sweet leadershup ally upgrades and X-men synergy, but I wanted to try Enery Spear and Enraged first and they DO deliver a rather strong canine ally really fast. Sidearm is essential, as usual for Voltron decks, to protect Cosmo from retaliate.

It is a fun and effective deck, still being honed, and Cosmo and Illyana make a very good synergy, the only downside is that you have to be even more careful on deck management and the timing on when to play what, but that's always the deal of playing Magik anyway.