Card draw simulator
Derived from |
None. Self-made deck here. |
Inspiration for | ||||
Robot Jedi remix | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
General Grievous wears a black suit | 7 | 4 | 0 | 1.0 |
Peni Pool | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1.0 |
Web-Warrior Fanatic · 19175
Robot Jedi
50+ damage in 1 turn consistently?! The Robot Jedi can do it!
For my deckbuilding tutorial series, watch me build this deck from scratch!
SP//dr vs. Loki (Expert) Gameplay
Synergies & Combos
Laser Swords and big damage: The main goal of this deck is to get set up and wait until we can draw Live Dangerously, which puts 4 bad icons into play. This unleashes the lightsaber bringing SP//dr to 6 attack!
So much readying: In addition to Host Spider and All Systems Go! which can ready up Host Spider, we have Spider-Man Peter Parker ally and Stick-To-Itiveness for more consistent on-board readying. With the full combo SP//dr can ready up to 7 times in one turn, doing 6-8 damage per attack. That's 42-56 damage for a huge final push!
Slow early game: As a classic build out hero and a handsize of 3, SP//dr has most trouble in her early game. With the triple 'Pool resources to pay for expensive upgrades/supports, Not my Responsibility to flip down safely, and healing with Healing Factor/Tic-Tac-Toe, SP//dr can survive the early game pressure from difficult villains like Loki/Magneto.
Resouce Sinks: SP//dr's hero ability Sync Ratio means she will often have extra resources if she doesn't have anything to play with her handsize of 3. Combining this with the 8 resources cards in this deck, we need to have resource sinks to throw resources at. Tic-Tac-Toe, Lockjaw, Machine Man, Stick-To-Itiveness are great targets to throw extra resources at during the end of the turn to get an advantage on the villain. We also have expensive supports like Avengers Mansion to mitigate SP//dr's small handsize while also being a great card we can use our resources to play.
Jun 21, 2024 |
Jun 21, 2024
Jun 23, 2024'Pool is great for so many "set-up" heroes. Awesome hero for laser swords, definitely going to try it out. |
Jun 23, 2024
Jun 23, 2024out of curiosity, why no limitless stamina? |
Jun 24, 2024
That being said, I've actually been going back and forth a lot on this because I've gotten a lot of feedback about it lol. I may have emphasized building out too much here because for the late game, SP//dr's hero ability Sync Ratio gives her more than enough resources. I'm considering swapping the 3 'Pool resource cards for 3x Limitless Stamina. I'll have to test this version and the version with Limitless Stamina more, but can totally see that being really good! |
Jun 25, 2024I've been playing a very similar deck a bunch lately for a 2-hero league (partnered with Justice Scarlet Witch) and I definitely recommend Limitless Stamina, at least in the way I've been playing the deck. Personally I also like Symbiote Suit (hand size is very helpful for her), a couple of Pool allies that can further boost the swords before playing Live Dangerously, and including Specialized Training for some matchups where the threat isn't already building up in a ton of other places. |
Jun 26, 2024
Jul 09, 2024i agree that Limitless Stamina isn't so helpful actually. i've been cutting more and more from my lists because it doesn't help early and late game you usually end up pitching as a resource for something else. All Systems Go is all you need for those insanely strong turns |
Jul 10, 2024
Jul 16, 2024Just got done trying out this deck. Holy cow, what a game. I played against Mutagen Formula and won with a flourish at the end. Held onto the Pool side scheme for a good number of turns, Goblin and his minions were really giving me the business. Until finally, I draw Laser Swords. Thankfully, I got Goblin down to exactly 12 health, and swung twice for the win. This was my first time playing SP//dr and yes, it did take me a little but to get used to how she worked. But after that hurdle, everything went smoothly. This makes me even more excited to try out your Groot Shield deck. Good stuff, Fanatic, good stuff |
Jul 23, 2024
Hey WWF - this deck looks incredibly fun and I love SP//dr so I'll definitely have to give this one a try :)
Thanks for all your decks!