I can't drive, FORTY CARDS!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Man-is-Obsolete · 5023

name I see you screaming at me, but I can't hear you!

Ah yes, you've noticed this is 46 cards, and no I don't have recommendations on cuts. Except One Way or Another if playing Red Skull :P

The reason being is that you will still consistently deck out ahead of everyone else at the table. Almost every game I played I decked out when everyone else still had double digit cards in their deck, meaning I was 2 TURNS ahead of them on decking out. Magik has such great control and manipulation of the deck and of course access to things like Spiritual Meditation, so you will almost have what you are looking for. And we have lots to look for as you'll see soon! If anything add more cards to this deck. I was generous enough to leave you 4 card slots to put whatever you want in there haha.

Wolfsbane and Cosmo go brrrr

This is where the deck really comes alive. By getting Wolfsbane down on the table and Honorary X-Men'd up and then slap a Mission Training we are moving EVEN faster through our deck all while removing tons of threat. Her ability combined with Magik's ability of always knowing the top card basically turns Wolfsbane into a cheaper Captain Marvel with the only drawback being Thwart only. But just try this:

close your eyes (don't actually, then you can't read this)....imagine Game Time is on top of your deck...Wolfsbane thwarts and draws it for you and then you game time her and she draws you another card. Isn't that better, don't you feel better?

Because Magik sees so many cards on a turn setting this up isn't hard at all, and I am very mindful of those types things in deckbuilding. "Just get these 8 cards in this sequence and it'll be great!!" Shouldn't be a problem here, hasn't been for me.

Then we got Cosmo who helps set up this degeneracy...

Chance Encounter -> White Fox -> Limbo -> Cosmo -> hey it's a "free" ally!

I love Chance Encounter, just go see some of my other decks I've posted! So I need to fix that no one has made a decklist for Magik with Chance Encounter included! Here it serves two purposes for us:

  1. Find Wolfsbane and/or Cosmo in the early game

  2. Grab White Fox so we can do the above! Use Limbo to put her on top of the deck and then Cosmo will discard her and put her into play!

White fox then comes in helps ping a tough or remove a single threat, and then chumps a big hit and protects our other allies.

There is a bonus 3rd use case for Chance Encounter and that is to grab us Colossus to tee up putting him on top of the deck going into the villain phase. This is great when you put Chance on a side scheme and someone else clears it after your turn.

Ok go have fun now!

Honestly Magik is so good I don't have any recommendations on what to alter for Solo or higher player counts. Just start jamming this and let me know what works and what doesn't for you. Hopefully it just works, that's what I found. I even ran this at 50 and included cards like For Justice! or Multitasking to have additional thwarting and it just wasn't necessary, but maybe you find thwarting to be lacking and need them added back in! Only one way to find out, and I was only half joking when I said I left you four open slots!


Jun 27, 2024 theromeo3517 · 1910

Manipulating the top of the deck never stops being fun with magik! Cool deck

Jun 27, 2024 Caldias · 1026

Love decks that work well over 40 cards

Jun 27, 2024 Man-is-Obsolete · 5023

Oh one of the things I was reminded of with this is that you can freely mulligan any spells and even use Spiritual Meditation before coming out of AE and then when you flip out of Alter Ego you can put any of those spells back on top and play them for cheap! Makes it even easier to dig through the deck towards whatever you want.

Jun 27, 2024 VJakson · 23

Of course Man-is coming with with the ultimate Justice Magik Shenanigans!

Jun 27, 2024 boomguy · 733

Love it!

Jun 28, 2024 journeyman2 · 23404

Excellent Chance+White Fox usage! I don’t want to spoil it, but someone shared a Suit Up deck that does something similar with White Fox with me recently.

I love that the song is “fifty-five” and here we have “forty-five + 1”, literally can’t keep under the 5! I may even go higher with Legion, that White Fox play gains a lot of value with him!

Jun 28, 2024 Man-is-Obsolete · 5023

@journeyman2 Legion is a good call. The big issue is not having enough ally slots haha. Cosmo at least I don’t have to worry about healing. But heck yea go to 47! :p

Jun 28, 2024 josseroo · 696

I heard that 46 is the new 40