Wasp does Goblin challenge

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

majiming · 1

On the 4th try and with a number of revisions this is the deck that finally beat the Goblin challenge from FFG (Goblin+flight+2 damage changing to alter ego) solo on standard difficulty.

it’s my first self-built deck so I’m sure it could be improved but the core works well as demonstrated by its ability to pass this difficult challenge.

some choices to note:-

Throgis great on this challenge since you’ve pretty much always got at least 1 minion and the Tough is invaluable against Goblin’s hits. The constant flow of minions also really calls for "Bring It!" for card draw.

Hulk is only here as a soak, same with Brawn. With Goblin hitting for 3 basic with overkill, their hit points really help. An early play of Bio-Synthetic Wings saves a fair few points of damage over the course of the game too.

Mulligan hard for Down Time. it counters the hp loss dropping to alter ego. Endurance also provides a useful buffer, and with downtime recovering 5 it’s possible to stay down for a couple of rounds and get hp back up to 14.

Wasp wants to drop down to take advantage of her reshuffle ability. what to reshuffle is situational of course but Professor X is never a bad idea and Precision Strike can be a great damage dealer.

Having either of/both of Helicarrier and Quincarrier on the table really helps. Don’t be afraid to discard them though because Build Supportcan fetch them from the discard.