Leading With A Cool Head (w/ Video)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Skyelian · 14

Iceman has become the temporary leader of the X-Men with his Snow Clones at the forefront!

The goal of this deck is to create a budget friendly deck that can also hold its own at a higher gameplay level both in solo and multiplayer. Our 2 modes of playing this deck are applying Frostbite as much as possible and summoning allies.

slip n slide

Here is a video I created highlighting the deck if you want to see it in action:

Iceman vs. Mansion Attack - Marvel Champions Edited Gameplay

Getting The Deck Online

The first cards you'll be searching for are Utopia and Cryokinetic Perception which are the backbone of this deck. Utopia rewards us for playing allies by readying us back up and then more importantly Cryokinetic Perception will let us will let us draw a free card and more then likely ready us back up as well. A perfect sequence of events will be Attack with Iceman and freeze the opponent, Cryokinetic gets us Snow Clone which readies us up, attack again to freeze, then play Snow Clone to activate Utopia and ready us back up, then attack with Snow Clone and Iceman one last time to deal 8 damage total and apply 3 freeze, and that's not even counting the other cards you may have in your hand or if Ice Slide was active at this time which would bump up our damage to 11. If we manage to get Professor X out at this time we can get another ready up in which would add more frostbite and more damage.

We have a few avenues of finding Utopia as well which include Forge, Build Support, and Call For Backup which searches for Forge. If Utopia is out already then we can use Build Support methods to get our next important support out which is Uncanny X-Men which helps brings out Allies for cheaper and keeps them out for longer. We put 2 in this deck because even though it's not top priority, it is high on our list where we would want it on the field by the time we do our first deck shuffle. So in case you need to pass on it the first time around you have a high chance of getting it again.

Cooling Off

Though we plan to stay in Hero Form for the majority of the game we do want to take advantage of our Alter-Ego ability when we can. As a general rule we try to flip to Alter Ego when there is 3 or more frostbite on the field to get back some of our essential Ice cards. We'll want to mainly take back any Snow Clones that we lost but if we have all of them in our deck already then take any Ice cards that can help in the next rounds to come. Thankfully Ice Slide will automatically shuffle into our deck if that was in play already so with a well times Cool Off we can shuffle in 3-6 Ice Cards when we swap to Alter Ego.

While in Alter-Ego form we'll want to take advantage of X-Mansion as well as X-Men Instruction to heal and get some cards back as a bonus for going into Alter-Ego form.

Substituting Cards

Though every card in this deck is chosen for a specific purpose there are cards that aren't essential and can be substituted out, especially if you have the whole collection at your disposal or possibly even if you want to lower the amount of packs needed.

Strength In Numbers - Takes advantage of our usually high Ally count to get to our ICE cards faster but we go through our deck quick enough to not need it.

The Power of Leadership - I was debating putting in the deck in the first place. It's nice to help pay for Uncanny X-Men and Beast but we have enough resource generation where this usually doesn't get enough value. A future version of the deck will probably have this cut by default.

Uncanny X-Men - If needed you can drop this down to 1. As mentioned above, I like 2 for the better chance of getting it out early but not necessary.

X-Men Instruction - If you're looking to buy the minimum amount of decks possible then this card can get cut as it's the only reason to get the Gambit pack in this deck.

Good substitutes to include would be Domino, Make The Call, and Moira MacTaggert