Wasp - Not Dum Dum, just Stupid?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Dathzone · 2

This deck is a Justice Deck for Thwarting... Duh... However! It tried to go about it in a non-direct way.

You want to put side schemes down, for the obvious upgrades, but then to attach Overwatch and Chance Encounters to them, or to benefit from Skilled Investigator.

With Chance Encounter, once you defeat a side scheme, you can grab Nick Fury out of the deck for some card advantage, or Prof X for disruption if needed. Ideally, you would use Chance Encounter, then cash in on it the following turn, just to use it as an additional resource card until later in the game when you can freely cast their higher costs if you can't afford it now. The point of the deck is to recycle allies and push through side schemes until you can afford the high costing Dummy (Dum Dum Dugan), all the while putting Surveillance cards down to buff him at a later time.

This deck is intended to discard support cards (3 costing or less), ally cards and upgrades with the intention of getting them back with the side schemes and Chance Encounters.

I don't know yet if it's a good build. Will get to see it in action soon!