Demonic Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ensign53 · 56

The idea here is to get as many upgrades put on minions as you can and take advantage of Glob, Shark-Girl, and the events like Take That! and Surprise Move, and to use those upgrades to discard for Bamf! when there's no minions out.

Because there's not a lot of inherent attack strength in Nightcrawler's deck, most of your damage will come from Event damage, so keeping yourself stocked with Mutant Education and X-Men Instruction will allow you to place the cards you need into your deck. Because you won't be basic attacking as much, don't be afraid to play on the defensive and use Kurt's incredible defense to take little to no damage while you build up your board and dig for your events.