Basic-ally Immortal Hawkeye

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Soggyllama · 33

Previous version was Hawkeye so Basic! - it's the same thing here minus 2 Team-Building Exercise, and added Avengers Tower plus one more Enhanced Physique.

The system is more or less the same, you want Mockingbird to always be up to save your butt and get right back out for free on the next turn. To do this you'll need Avengers Tower, Helicarrier, Quincarrier, and Team-Building Exercise out ASAP, to use them in combination with Mockingbirds ability to keep blocking all damage from the villain and bring her back out next turn for free. As a bonus, you'll have extra resources to throw away for triggering her ability with Enhanced Physique. And as always with Hawkeye you are going to need to find your Quiver/Bow upgrades quickly. The Multitalented and First Aid feel like a necessity for Hawkeye to succeed.

Improvements are welcome, I'd like to have a basic deck capable of taking on the toughest challenges. Hawkeye's included Mockingbird/Immortality trick is very cool but heavily relies on luck of the draw to get it started. How far can you take him?