Wolverine and the X-Friends

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Kori · 20

This is a more of a leadership deck than a protection one. In this setup try to keep the allies out and keep them playing for as long as possible.

Protective training is nice and cheap, and goes great with Rogue. Rogue will take 1 health from Wolverine each round, which is fine because he heals. Game Time is great with Rogue and Protective training.

Med Team is for extra healing for everyone.

Energy barrier goes well with Berserker Rage to draw more cards. If you suspect a very big hit use Nightcrawler to defend instead and if Rogue and Utopia are already in play then just get Nightcrawler in play again, which readies Rogue and do some more damage or thwart.

Fastball Special and Unlikely Duo are also great since the goal is to keep the allies for a long time. If facing a steady or stalwart villain, you can replace Unlikely duo with a sidearm for extra damage.