Spider-Man Perfect Protection Bait and Switch (Wave 1 & 2 On

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Kevix · 13

Note: This deck is only using cards from Wave 1 & 2.

Spidey’s main problem is that he and his kit suck at thwarting. Period. So playing him in anything other than Justice can be tough.

That said, Bait and Switch is a perfect card for Spidey specifically. The attack draws you a card essentially making Bait and Switch a 0 resource card and with the defensive upgrades it almost never does damage and can thus trigger Unflappable and Electrostatic Armor. You could use three Bait and Switch but with it only hitting the main scheme, two felt like enough.

The rest of the deck is fair straightforward using the best defensive events in Turn the Tide and Side Step with Nerves of Steel to fuel them.

I will say this deck can be super gridy and the games can go long but finding a way to play Spidey in protection with a limited card pool was super fun!

Once you add in Wave 3 cards I’ve found that Hard to Ignore is better than Bait and Switch but the upgrade isn’t that significant.