Gambit Warrior Skill

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

nln_rose · 1

Why Does This Exist?

I have been looking at the Warrior Skill upgrade, and I've been trying to find places to use it. 2 cost (3ER) for 3 damage is bad no matter how you slice it. I really wanted to make it work though. I love the idea of adding one The issue I keep running into, is that there is only 1 red card that has 2 separate instances of damage, so I struggled to find what I would use it on. I don't want a Honed Technique deck with warrior skill in it either. I want warrior skill to be an all star contributing regularly and warranting a 2-3 of inclusion.

Doing the Math

So, after all of this, Gambit is the only hero that really makes sense. Gambit's whole deal is adding +1 damage to attacks. Royal Flush and it's 3 separate attacks (+3 damage from warrior skill) make it one of the 2 ideal targets for warrior skill in our deck. The other one is Melee. Honestly this is probably the my most used card in the deck in multiplayer with 2 instances of 3 damage before any buffs. If you Maximize the charge counters with warrior skill you are looking at 12 damage over 1-3 targets with Royal Flush. If you choose Melee though, you get 14 damage total in 2 separate 7 damage chunks choosing a different target. Because of this, I will often choose Melee should there be a minion of 6+ hp. even with the waste, this comes out to 13 damage done. The math changes though when we get that juicy, juicy Aggressive Energy. Royal Flush goes up to 15, and Melee to 16. The issue is though, that dealing 8 to all but the biggest minions wastes so much damage a lot of the time that it isn't worth it. The other thing to consider is you can pull off a full powered Royal Flush with only 2 charge counters so if you are making that math, then it becomes a lot better than 2 charge Melee. Warrior skill is still a good card on 1 last attack card. Into the Fray can convert our extra damage into thwart, and 1 ER for 1 threat removed is right on curve.

Replacing Cards

When I played this deck I really didn't use the counters from warrior skill until I hit one of those 3 targets. As such I didn't use a second copy of Warrior Skill, but every time I used it I was glad to have it out. If you want to remove a copy, I'd probably add another ally. Alternatives to the allies in my list include Angel (cheap), Sunfire (attachment help), Psylocke (confusing an enemy), or Hope Summers (grabbing Royal Flush).