Card draw simulator
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Pedachenko · 7
This is just a Magento's version of old good reliable Repurpose decks, like these classics Iron Man, Rocket Racoon or Quicksilver.
So why Magento? First, because if you can play any hero in Protection, why won't you? You just go for the gusto: attack or thwart, Repurpose, then use Magento's Magnetic Pool to activate Magento's Cape, and then you play as many Ever Vigilant as you can or a cheap X-men ally to use Utopia.
Furthermore, Magento combines this archetype well with Dauntless and his Magnetic Bubble, which added to the Electrostatic Armor and the Energy Barrier allow us to inflict 2 to 4 damage while avoiding all damage, weakening the villain while we wait for the explosive turn with Repurpose. The Forcefield Generator also helps to maintain the retaliate from the Dauntless and the Magnetic Bubble while we can't Repurpose it.
The allies are just cheap allies to activate Utopia and get some hits at the early game. Polaris is not bad but I just added her for thematic reasons, so feel free to remove it. Northstar also helps with maintaining our life over 10 and our Magnetic Bubble on the table.
Specialized Training (with the DEF upgrade) and Unflappable eventually are going to give us 2 cards per round, as long a we're defending every villain's phase, and the +1 DEF on the specialization could be useful maintaining our Bubble and Forcefield generators in the table with high ATK villains.
I'm usually a 40 card deck person (actually, i took out the list the X-jet just to keep it thin, but is not bad idea to add It if you feel you need more economy), but with the 2 player side schemes and all the upgrades you're going to have on the table, I feel that 45 doesn't make the deck inconsistent.
Hope you enjoy the deck! It's giving me good results in expert mode so far. Feel free to make any suggestions to improve it or give it a different aproach.