Illyana and Hooch: Magik Powerhouse

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Thebaldone · 27

So because I didn't want to look through EVERY Magik Aggression deck, hopefully this isn't a copy. NOTICE: Likenesses to other Aggro decks for her are completely coincidental.

I wanted to put this out there to begin with: this Aggro deck is centered around Magik and Cosmo being the main dps. I got inspired from a Domino Aggro deck and thought, "Cosmo works amazing with Magik, so let's try that combo too!"

Inspiration: Dogs of War

Cosmo is basically invincible with Magik, so why not power her up with upgrades and the works. With a base 1ATK and 1THW, we're gonna break down the power ups:

-Energy Spear - Grants Cosmo +2 ATK as a Guardian ally.

-Enraged - Grants Cosmo +2 ATK and Piercing and will negate the +1 CSQ damage due to her ability paired with Magik's deck style.

-Sidearm - Grants Cosmo +1 ATK and Ranged

All together, we've got Cosmo (ideally) up to 6 ATK, with Ranged and Piercing, avoids Retaliate and eliminates Toughness.

Now we'll still boost up Magik's attacks with normal upgrades and such and then, with the amount of allies available, we can mitigate some of the other needs during battle.

This is definitely an impulse build, so I will begin the trial and error...and error...and error, until I feel this could be a decent contender.