Card draw simulator
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Ganfury · 60
This deck is fantastic in solo but may sometimes leave the other players at your table annoyed with you in multiplayer as they wait for you to finish your turn. I've done as much as 65 damage in a single turn with the different tricks for Honey Badger and X-23. Typically I can swing for somewhere around 14-20 damage per turn. I am not sure what the most damage possible is as I haven't needed to go higher than 38, but played out that turn to see where I would land on damage output as described below.
This was the set up: 6 cards in hand: Cyclops, Side By Side, Claw Mastery, Sisterly Bond, Power of Leadership, and Energy.
On the Table: Honey Badger, with Inspired, Sidekick, Reinforced Suit, and Danger Room Training attached
M, with Danger Room Training Attached
Clarity of Purpose (attached to X-23), Grim Resolve, X-23's Claws
Command Team
Laura Kinney is face up (alter-ego mode)
First, flip Laura to X-23 (hero mode) and exhaust X-23's Claws to give +2 Attack. Next, exhaust Clarity of Purpose and play Claw Mastery. Then, attack the villain for 5. Then, play Cyclops using Power of Leadership from hand and Grim Resolve, taking one damage. Choose the villain for Cyclops' ability. Ready X-23 off the damage from Grim Resolve and attack the villain for 6 (11 total). Next, play Sisterly Bond as you attack with Honey Badger and exhaust Leadership Skill for the +1 bonus, bringing her attack to 10 (1 base, + 1 each from Danger Room Training, Inspired, and Leadership Skill, and +5 from Sisterly Bond, and then one bonus damage from Cyclops). Honey Badger then readies X-23 allowing you to attack for 6 more damage to the villain. Now, play Side by Side using Energy and ready Honey Badger to ready X-23 and give them both +1/+1. For those not doing the math, we've done 26 damage to the villain. Honey Badger is now a 4/4 and X-23 is a 2/6 and they both get +1 bonus damage when they attack the villain. Attack with X-23 (7 damage), Honey Badger (5 damage), and X-23 again (7 damage). This brings the total to 45 damage. Then, exhaust Command Team to ready Honey Badger and combo swing again for another 12 damage, and finally, swing with M and Cyclops for the final 7 damage bringing us to a grand total of 65, if I did the math right.
Here's the breakdown: X-23 attacks for 5.
X-23 readies and attacks for 6.
HB attacks for 10.
X readies and attacks for 6.
Side-by-Side to ready both and give each +1/+1.
X-23 attacks for 7.
HB attacks for 5.
X-23 readies and attacks for 7.
Command Team to ready HB.
HB attacks for 5.
X-23 readies and attacks for 7.
Cyclops attacks for 3.
M attacks for 4.